Complaints Policy

Complaints Procedure

MindMosaic Counselling and Therapy (MindMosaic) is committed to providing high quality therapeutic services for all. We aim to continuously improve services by responding to the voice and views of our clients and others who use the organisation, and `pledge to respond positively to all feedback and complaints. We would always seek to address and resolve any complaints or concerns informally in the first instance. We would encourage complainants to contact the organisation and arrange a meeting with the relevant manager in the first instance, before embarking on a more formal process.
As a member organisation MindMosaic adhere to COSCA’s complaints procedure. This procedure is available from the COSCA website – or by phoning COSCA on 01786 475140.

Access to MindMosaic Complaints Procedure

The MindMosaic policy can be accessed from MindMosaic offices or via our website. There is a poster visible in the office outlining how to complain. The Policy is also available in other languages and formats on request. Where additional assistance is required, we will offer support to assist you to understand the policy as well as offering a referral to client advocacy or other suitable services.

Who can complain?

Members of the public, clients or students who are currently seeking, receiving or have received a service provided by an employee or volunteer can make a complaint against the organisation.

Before making a complaint

• Where the complaint is against an individual working with MindMosaic the organisation’s internal complaints process must be followed in the first instance.
• If the complaint is regarding counselling or counselling services delivered by the organisation: after the internal processes have been followed, the complainant may direct the complaint to COSCA under the COSCA complaints procedure.
• MindMosaic as an organisational member of COSCA, also require all employees and volunteers to follow The COSCA Statement of Ethics and Code of Practice.

Making a formal complaint

The complaint should be sent in writing, signed, dated and marked ‘private and confidential’ to

The Chairperson
MindMosaic Board of Trustees,
MindMosaic Counselling & Therapy,
7 Union Street,
PA16 8JH

• A complaint must be submitted within 1 year of the alleged breach of the Statement of Ethics and Code of Practice.
• All complaints will be treated as confidential
• Where there is a conflict of interest then a different trustee or manager will be appointed.
• If it is deemed there is no-one impartial within the Board of Trustees or MindMosaic staff to investigate the complaint, the complaint will be investigated by the Chief Executive of CVS Inverclyde.

Anonymous Complaints

• Anonymous complaints will be logged and held for 1 year. They will be presented to the board of trustees for discussion and investigation.

Third Party Complaints

• Complaints are accepted from parents or carers or other identified third parties where they have legal responsibility or the complainant does not have capacity to make the complaint.

The complaint must identify:

• The member(s) complained against
• Outline of the complaint
• Specific information about the complaint including details of alleged breaches of the
Code of Practice.

Responding to complaints

The trustee responsible will acknowledge receipt of a complaint by mail or email to the complainant within 14 days, and send a copy of it to the staff member(s) complained against if appropriate. The complaint will be examined by an investigating group, which will be comprised of a minimum of three impartial board members. The outcome will be delivered to the complainant in writing within 14 days of the trustee meeting. If the complainant remains unsatisfied, they have the right to appeal (stage 2). This directive must be delivered in writing within 4 weeks of the initial decision.

Formal Complaint – Stage 2

Complaint Panel stage. – The panel will comprise of three impartial trustees who will collect information from all parties concerned. Evidence will be heard separately and all parties may be supported if required.
Investigations will be completed within 6 weeks where possible, although complex complaints may require longer to be investigated fully. In this instance, we will keep the complainant fully informed. Maximum time for investigation is 14 weeks. In addition, all parties involved in the complaint will be kept informed about what is required of them and about the different stages of the complaint procedure. This procedure can be halted if legal action is underway.


A report will be made to COSCA at the conclusion of the complaints process
If after the formal complaint –Stage 2 panel decision has been delivered, the complainant still remains dissatisfied, he/she may decide to direct the complaint to COSCA, addressing the complaint to:

The Chief Executive,
16 Melville Terrace,
Stirling, FK8 2NE.

All parties involved in the complaint will be informed in writing of the outcome of the complaint procedure within the timeframes previously discussed. If the complaint is upheld then sanctions will be implemented under the MindMosaic disciplinary procedure.

Complaints regarding governance should be directed to:

2nd Floor,
Quadrent House
Riverside Drive

Full Complains Procedure: MindMosaic Complaints Procedure

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