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Our Referral System

You can refer yourself to MindMosaic or be referred by a professional such as GPs, Social work and support organisations.  If referring yourself please complete the referral form using the “referral” button below.

Once we receive your referral we will contact you to arrange an initial Assessment. This is usually completed by phone and take around 20 minutes. The purpose of the client assessment is to gather some basic information and to explore if you meet the criteria for MindMosaic services. All client assessments are completed by experienced counsellors, this process is confidential and also allows time for you to explore any concerns you may have  about counselling. At this stage you may also choose to Fast Track into counselling which is charged at a per session basis. Please discuss with the counsellor assessing you if this is something you would like to consider.

 After assessment, clients who meet the criteria for services are added to our waiting list. Waiting times vary, dependant on client availability. Due to the impact of Covid 19 our waiting times are currently longer than usual at around 4-5 months.  You will be asked at assessment for your availability for counselling. A severely restricted availability means that you will wait a lot longer to be seen. We also ask you to contact us and update if your availability changes for any reason.

When an appointment becomes available we will contact you. Once allocated your counsellor and day/time of appointments usually remain the same throughout your counselling contract.

  • Please cancel an appointment at least 24 hours in advance, or if the office is closed leave a message on our answerphone.
  • A cancellation of less than 24 hours, or non-attendance is included in your number of allocated sessions.
  • Non-attendance or ‘missing your appointment’, without contacting Mind Mosaic as above, will be recorded as a DNA (did not attend).
  • Two DNA’s or three cancellations at any time in your period of counselling, may be taken as an indication that counselling may not be appropriate for you at the present time, and your counselling sessions may be terminated early.
  • You may re-refer yourself for counselling again at a future date, when you will be required to undergo a further assessment before being placed on the counselling waiting list again.
  • If you do not attend your first appointment you won’t be offered another one at that time, but may re-refer at a later date if required.
  • Very occasionally your counsellor may need to cancel an appointment. If a counsellor cancels an appointment: Your appointment will be re-scheduled and not counted as a missed appointment.

Your counselling contract  will not stop suddenly, the number of sessions offered is usually reviewed on a regular basis by your counsellor in conjunction with yourself. Your counsellor will work towards an ending with you over your last few sessions. In your final session you will review your psychological scores with your counsellor.  We also ask you to complete an evaluation form at this stage. Evaluating our services ensures that we address any concerns and helps us adapt and change our services to meet client needs going forward.

Your privacy and confidentially is of paramount importance to us. You will be asked at assessment for preferred method of contact e.g. phone, text or email. Where possible you will be contacted by your chosen method when we need to contact you. Your information is stored in a secure clinical client management system meeting GDPR regulations. More detailed information on GDPR is available at referral or from our privacy policy section of this website.

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